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Mole Removal

Mole Removal Specialist in Shaker Heights, OH

If you have a mole that appears unsightly, you may want to consider mole removal. At Cosmopolitan Dermatology, Dr. Angela Kyei M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.D., is an experienced dermatologist who can safely and effectively remove moles. Additionally, if you have Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN), a benign epidermal growth that develops on the face and neck as hyperpigmented or skin-colored papules, we can help you manage it. Given that the moles are benign, there is typically no medical necessity to treat or remove them. Nevertheless, individuals who find the appearance undesirable may choose to explore treatment or removal options.For more details, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are located at 3461 Warrensville Center Rd, Suite #100, Shaker Heights, OH 44122.

Mole Removal Specialist Near Me in Shaker Heights, OH
Mole Removal Specialist Near Me in Shaker Heights, OH

Table of Contents:

What is mole removal?
Why would I need to remove a mole?
When should I see my healthcare provider about a mole?
What should I expect before and after mole removal?

What is mole removal?

Mole removal is a cosmetic procedure designed to eliminate dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN), a benign skin condition characterized by the presence of dark lesions commonly referred to as moles.
These moles, typically black or brown in color, can appear on various areas of the skin, such as the neck, face, chest, and back. While some individuals may only develop a few bumps, others may experience numerous lesions covering significant portions of their skin. Although DPN lesions are benign and pose no health risks, they can cause cosmetic concerns for those affected.
The condition tends to worsen with age, and without intervention, the size and number of spots do not decrease. Therefore, treatment becomes essential for managing cosmetic issues associated with DPN. The choice of treatment varies based on individual patient characteristics. Mole removal is the removal of DPN for cosmetic purposes through various methods.
Various laser treatments have demonstrated effectiveness in treating DPN, although multiple sessions may be necessary to observe significant results.
Cryotherapy, also known as freezing therapy, involves using liquid nitrogen to freeze and eliminate DPN lesions. In some instances, a dermatologist may recommend surgical removal of the DPN lesions. During surgical removal, your provider uses a scalpel to separate or shave your mole from the rest of your skin.

Why would I need to remove a mole?

It is rare that individuals will need to have a mole removed, particularly those that present as a symptom of DPN. However, many individuals want to have them removed due to cosmetic concerns.
The dark spots associated with the condition can manifest in brown or black hues and may be either flat or raised from the skin. Several cosmetic treatments exist to minimize or entirely remove DPN.
It is strongly advised against using any at-home treatments, as they could result in permanent scarring. Consulting a specialist at Cosmopolitan Dermatology is always recommended.
Certain procedures carry an elevated risk of causing scarring and pigmentation changes in individuals with skin of color. Different types and sizes of growths necessitate distinct procedures, making it crucial to discuss these options with your surgeon during the consultation.
Regardless of the motivation behind the procedure, patients typically report a clearer and fresher appearance of their face post-removal.

When should I see my healthcare provider about a mole?

Given that the moles are benign, there is typically no medical necessity to treat or remove them. Nevertheless, individuals who find the appearance undesirable may choose to explore treatment or removal options. The spots can exhibit a smooth and flat appearance or hang off the skin, resembling slightly pedunculated skin tags.
The size of DPNs can vary and may increase over time. DPNs predominantly affect individuals with darker skin. Despite the absence of symptoms, these lesions can be susceptible to inflammation and irritation due to friction.
Diagnosing DPN involves a dermatologist conducting a clinical examination to assess the appearance and distribution of the dark spots. In some cases, a dermoscopy, a non-invasive diagnostic tool, may be employed to differentiate DPNs from similar pigmented lesions.
When it comes to when to see a mole removal specialist, if it has been identified as DPN, there is little urgency due to the lack of medical risks.
However, any individual who wishes to address their cosmetic concerns in this area and improve how they look and feel can consult the experts at Cosmopolitan Dermatology for mole removal.

What should I expect before and after mole removal?

Ahead of mole removal patients will meet with specialists at Cosmopolitan Dermatology to establish diagnosis and a custom treatment plan. Depending on how the mole will be removed what to expect will differ slightly but all mole removal procedures are fairly straightforward with minimal recovery time.
Freezing may present alongside mild blisters or redness as can laser treatments. Surgical removal can vary in recovery periods depending on the complexity of the removal and patients will be provided post-care instructions by the specialists at Cosmopolitan Dermatology accordingly.
Mole removal is available at Cosmopolitan Dermatology. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are located at 3461 Warrensville Center Rd, Suite #100, Shaker Heights, OH 44122. We serve patients from Shaker Heights OH, Cleveland OH, Brooklyn Heights OH, Lyndhurst OH, Richmond Heights OH, Hunting Valley OH, Mayfield OH, and the surrounding areas.